Studio Workshops

Studio Workshops

Studio photography is the most difficult of all.  Workshops at Jackson Hole Photography Studio cover a wide range of disciplines from the basics to advanced.  Learning how to shoot studio portraits is a great place to begin.  It all starts with an idea.


Learn how to shoot beautiful studio portraits; learn the importance of good lighting, camera techniques and how to work with people.  Every aspect of photography must be understood to produce quality portrait images.

Floating Chair

An Illusion

Studio sessions are an illusion that begin with a simple idea.  It all starts with a vision in your mind.  Learn how to think outside the box creating interesting ideas that can actually be accomplished.


Studio Workshops also include outdoor sessions.  Learn about available light and how to control shadows using reflectors and artifical light.

Studio Props

Props can help make a picture.  Learn how to incorporate everyday items in your photo shoot giving it a touch of perspective and reality.

Work & Play

Studio sessions are not all work.  Learn how to manage a session and bring out the best personalities in your subjects.


Learn about the effective use of background materials and colors.


Strong backlighting can be dramatic.  Learn how to use it and when.

Shooting portraits can be great fun, but there are many other things to be photographed in a well equipped studio.


Food items are very tricky to photograph.  Learn how.

Just some of the topics covered in Studio Workshops



Focus Stacking...

Lens Compression...

White Balance...


Flash vs Natural Light...

Macro Lenses...

Long Exposures...

Noise Reduction...

Lens Distortion & Correction...

Gamma & Contrast...

All About ISO...

RAW Format...


Light Modifiers...

And much much more.


Shooting jewelry is especially difficult.  Learn how.


Learn how to photograph products of all sorts.

Dramatic Lighting

Learn how to control lighting to accentuate specific parts of an image.  How to stack and blend multiple exposures to bring out the best in your subject.  Many types of lights, light modifiers and reflectors are at the studio for creating unique images.

Time to head for the studio to learn all there is to know about product photography, how to take quality portraits, photographing families, children and babies, action events with motion and working outdoors with natural light.